The first experience a tourist will get of non-ideal weather in Cyprus, is probably the onset of a summer storm. When it rains, it doesn't mess about. If you are lucky, and in a nice, safe location, you may get to witness thunder and lightning adorning the horizon along the coast.
But, during the summer months, these are few and far between, and a few hours after they have been, the sun has dried everything out again.
But Cyprus is more than sun. Look at pictures taken in the springtime, and you will see a green, lush landscape.
The brown fields you drive through in August, look completely different in March. The winter brings rain in the valleys, and snow in the mountains.
Together they replenish the reservoirs, and cause seasonal waterfalls to appear from nowhere.
These articles will give you a glimpse of some of the more interesting spectacles Mother Nature throws at Cyprus.
We love the sun, but we still like to marvel at the power of the wind and rain.