Let us take you on a journey through time...
Our main virtual tour consists of over 400 panoramic 360° images, covering the entire park. There is a handy map and menu system to stop you getting lost.
Before you dive into the tour, you might want to familiarise yourself with the park first. So start with our whistlestop tour and then watch the more detailed film.
If you prefer things at your own pace, take a look at the blogs. These have the best photographs and most in-depth commentary.
If you see nothing else on your visit to Paphos, you should visit the Archaeological Park. Since 1980, it has been on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, and rightly so. It contains a wealth of places to explore and sites to see, but most people don’t get past the mosaics. With that in mind, we have produced this page to let you see everything the park has to offer. Using a combination of a virtual tour, videos and blogs, we hope to give you an idea of just how special the Archaeological Park is, and why it should be an essential part of everybody's visits to Paphos.
First, lets start with a map of the park. This shows some of the main attractions, plus suggested walking routes. We say suggested, because the park is criss-crossed with interlinking paths, and you can pick your own route should you wish. On the map you can also see four areas: Castle, Lighthouse and Mall End, plus a central area. These are areas used by the Virtual Tour, just to make the menu more manageable. We have included them on the map for your convenience. Most people who visit the park don't seem to stray beyond the mosaics. We want to change that.
The key points to note on the map, other than the locations of the toilets, is that it is possible to get to most of the park in a wheelchair, and that there is a lot more to see than the mosaics. We suggest two routes, depending on how much time you have. We would obviously recommend the complete route, but if time is pressing then the essential route will show you most of the sites. Or make your own route. There is nothing to stop you going straight to the Odeon and coming back via 40 Column Fortress, if you only have an hour.
One final thing to bear in mind before you visit, is the sun. During the winter, this isn't an issue. But in summer months you will very quickly get very hot walking around the park. Refreshments are available (and very reasonably priced) at the automated kiosk by the indoor mosques, and there are shelters positioned periodically around the site. If you are visiting in the summer though, we strongly advise going in the early morning or late afternoon, and make sure you wear a hat and plenty of sun block.
In this film we introduce you to the Archaeological Park and tell you what we want to achieve with the forthcoming articles and blogs.
Our first blog in the series introduces the park and summarises what you can expect to find.
This is a tour of the Archaeological Park in Paphos, designed to show you the sheer size of the place. Don't try and take in every detail, as other films and blogs in the series will do that. Just appreciate the size of the place.
Once you enter the Archaeological Park, if you keep left, the first sites you will arrive at the The Houses of Theseus and Aion. Let's take a look at their mosaics and other attractions...
The House of Dionysos is the jewel in the crown of Paphos Archaeological Park - a fine collection of well-preserved mosaics, conveniently located under one roof." When people refer to the mosaics in Paphos, they are usually talking about this place. So let's take a look.
The third blog on our walkabout takes us to the Lighthouse, along the ancient city wall, and to the far corners of the Archaeological Park. The going is a bit trickier once you are beyond here, and not suitable for wheelchairs, but if you fancy a stroll it is well worth the walk...
This is the final stage of out detailed tour of Paphos Archaeological Park, and we have saved some of the best attractions to last. So come with us as we finish the journey in style...
After the hyperlapse, here is a more sedate trip around Paphos Archaeological Park. There are no captions or commentary, instead, turn the sound up and enjoy the music.
With over 400 locations to explore, you can spend all day visiting the wonderful sights that take you through over a thousand years of history from ancient Hellenic tombs to Byzantine times.
Winter hours (16th September – 15th April): 8.30 – 17.00
Summer hours (16th April – 15th September): 8.30 – 19.30
Entrance: €4.50