Kato Paphos Archaeological Park

Published 5th of May, 2017

When relatives visited us a few weeks ago, we took them to some of the local tourist must-see sites. A definite highpoint was the visit to the Archaeological Park. We were especially lucky because it was spring time and all the wild flowers were in bloom.

Given the prime location of the park, visitors from the UK will be surprised to discover that the parking is all free. If it is crowded, there is also an overflow carpark above the bus station. And the entrance fee was also very reasonable. Once inside you soon realise that you will be doing a lot of walking, as the place is huge. So I would recommend you bringing a couple of water bottles and a sun hat.

The first building we came to housed an exhibition of the local bird population. This was very interesting but not in the scope of this article, so we will skip forward until we get to some ruins...

Follow The Path


Unlike some of the archaeological sites in the Paphos region, you have to stick to the paths here. This isn't a nuisance in the slightest, and if it helps preserve the place for future generations then all the better. You can get a guidebook but even if you don't have one, there are plenty of signs dotted about the place telling you what the ruins were.

Take Your Time


There are also numerous benches, so if the heat gets too much, take a break.

A City In Ruins


Now, I could show a picture of every ruin, but that would get a bit boring, and besides, the purpose of this blog is to encourage you to visit, not to act as a substitute!



This place must have been spectacular when it was inhabited.

The Lighthouse


Before we show you the main event, the mosaics, I thought it would be worth spending a few photos looking at the surrounding countryside. We visited in springtime, and if you are visiting later on in the year, you will be amazed to see how fertile the place looks in these shots. These flowers will have died down by the time summer is here, and the countryside will look a lot browner.

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