The Evretou Grave
Last time we walked around Evretou Dam, we observed a solitary grave on the opposite bank, half way up a hill. After the blog was published we were approached by somebody who keeps a log of the Turkish Cypriot Graves on the island. He hadn't a record of this one, so I promised to revisit the area and get more information...
View From The Dam
This was a picture I took when we visted the dam last autumn. You can just about make out the grave on the right of the picture, half way up the picture.
Out on a Limb
I had intended approaching the grave from below. However, it became apparent that an easier route might be from above.
Looking again at the grave, I didn't think it was Turkish Cypriot. It looks like it had been sited at the edge of the reservoir, as it is just above the high water mark. Given that the reservoir was constructed in 1986, over a decade after Evretou was abandoned, it doesn't seem to be likely to be TC origin.
Lovely View
I took these shots on the same day we photographed Argaka Dam overflowing. Must have been a good day for photography...
Above The Grave
Right, we've crossed the little valley and are now on the track above the grave. My wife had no wish to scramble down rocks so I left her in the car.
Back To The Picnic Spot
That's where the original pictures were taken from.