Paphos Old Town In 2023 - Part 1

Published 26th of September, 2023

It's time for our annual walking tour of the Old Town of Paphos. How has it changed since last year? What's new? What's different? Find out in Part 1 as we start by exploring the Market.

Moutallos Mosque


We shall begin our adventure in the car park behind Moutallos Mosque. We like this car park, as it never seems to be that busy. Like virtually all car parks in Paphos now, you pay using an online app, I believe you can also pay by sending an SMS, but I always use the app. It is worth paying for it too. Firstly, because it is dirt cheap. I think 2 hours cost me a euro. And secondly, because traffic wardens are now a thing in Paphos. So don't take a chance. Buy a virtual ticket.

Feeding Station


Another reason we like parking here is because of its proximity to one of the Paphos Cat Lady's feeding stations.

Mosque Grounds


You can't go into the mosque itself, but you can have a wander around the grounds. There are graves of numerous sizes dotted around the place.

Into Old Town


We aren't here to visit the mosque though, so we shall take this road to its left.

Nice View


The surroundings of the mosque are very pretty.

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