The Enclosure of Agios Neophytos
The other day we set off to find the Enclosure of Agios Neophytos. We had seen a video of it and it looked interesting. A remote monastery in a cliff? That ticks all the right boxes. However, there wasn't much to see when we found the enclosure. We had neglected to pick the key up, and our view through the gate didn't reveal much. Fortunately, the journey to and from the place was so much fun that yet again I find myself having to cherry pick the best pictures rather than pad an article out. So enjoy our journey, and with the map at the end to guide you, why not plan your own route...?
Glorious Countryside

Agios Neophytos is on the edge of Oreites Forest, above Kouklia. We set off from Polemi and opted for the scenic route. We came across the Ezousa Valley and headed towards Maronas. This shot, (A) on the map, shows us looking back to Episkopi and Minthis Hills.
Colourful Countryside

We haven't really explored the countryside this side of the Ezousa Valley yet. Between Letymbou, Lemona and Nata is quite a large area we need to investigate. That will be another time though.
Spring Flowers

The poppies are out in force too.

We went from Nata to Choletria, then cross country (on a good track) down to Fasoula (point B on the map). Now, Fasoula will get it's own blog in due course, as it is a lovely little village. However, as we were taking some photographs, we met the local priest, so thought it worth a mention.
The Local Priest

In true Cypriot fashion, he invited us to sit down and have a coffee. We also had some oranges and some very nice cake. We passed the time of day talking politics and discussing the weather.
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Ayios Georgios Koumanon Monastery
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St George's Church and Shrine Caves
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Agios Charalambos
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Planning a day out? Then use our map of blog locations as a handy guide. Some of the places we visit our closer to each other than you might think, so take a look and start planning your next adventure...

eBookCyprus Road Trip 01: the Kathikas - Panagia Loop
Let me take you on a journey around the region of Paphos, Cyprus. Starting at Paphos itself, we travel to Akoursos, then Kathikas, Kritou Terra and Simou. We continue past Lasa and Kannaviou, before taking in the delights of Panagia. Getting a bit more adventurous, we visit the abandoned villages of Statos and Agios Fotios, before passing through Choulou, Letymbou and Polemi, and rejoining the main Paphos - Polis road.
The route is suitable for all types of vehicle, and requires no off-roading. The guide contains about 130 photographs including shots of all the road signs you need to pay attention to, as well as some of the highlights you may experience along the way.
There are also several maps which will help you keep your bearings.
You can do this journey in a day, or you can break it up into chunks. You can also do it in reverse, to get some completely different views. It is entirely up to you.