Return To Vretsia

Published 27th of January, 2019

Vretsia has always been a favourite place of ours to explore in Cyprus. Nestled on the edge of Paphos Forest, it has been the gateway to many an offroad adventure. We first blogged about it a couple of years ago, but recent changes have made us return to take a closer look...

On The Way


To get to Vretsia, the easiest way from Paphos is to get on the motorway, and take the E606 turning at Agia Varvara. Continue up that until you come to the Galataria turning. Vretsia is signposted from there. You can drive there in any car, though a 4x4 is recommended, because then you can do a bit of exploring too.

We, however, were coming from the direction of Polemi. So we cut through Letymbou and Choulou, and headed for Statos-Agios Photios. From here you can approach Vretsia from above, via Koilineia. I wanted to go this route to check that the old Statos road is still accessible. The Paphos Life Road Trip #1 eBook goes through Statos, and we had heard reports of landslides during the recent torrents. Happy to report that the road is now clear and fully accessible.

While checking the quality of the road, I took this snap showing Kannivou Dam in the far distance, across the Ezousa Valley.

Paphos Forest


And there is the beauty that is Paphos Forest. I shall never tire of that view.

Distant Vretsia


As we approached Vretsia, it looked as welcoming as ever. From this distance it is hard to appreciate its torrid past.

I should re-iterate, that this isn't our first blog about Vretsia. I am not going to go over old ground, but if you haven't yet read our original blog on Vretsia, I highly recommend it, especially if you have any questions.

The Old Mukhtar's House


If you compare this to the old picture in the first blog, it appears to be getting slowly tidied up.

Vretsia Tavern


Vretsia Tavern actually got two blogs, all to itself. You can find links to them at the bottom of the page. Since they cleaned out the mess, there has been no further progress in its repair I'm afraid. The Phoenix Tavern is not yet open for business.

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