Halloween Mysteries
As it is Halloween I thought I would tell you about the spooky railway we discovered beneath our feet a while back. However, as we haven't been able to find out anything about it we thought it prudent to throw in some ruins for good measure...
Distant Limni Pier
If you go down to the beach today you're sure of a big surprise...
Well, we were the other week. I was walking through the water when my feet trod on something I wasn't expecting. I had a bit of an explore, and decided that there was something definitely worth investigating here.
Take The Plunge
Now, beneath the water here there is a lot of sand, so it makes filming quite difficult. I had to wait several weeks before I visited on a day where the water was calm enough to let me film underwater. However, I didn't have my snorkel at the time, so the film I took are a bit of the shot in the dark variety. Incidently, I have published the film separately.
Mystery Railway!
This is what I had felt with my feet. It is an old railway. I originally trod on one of the rails, but felt along the track until I came across some sleepers.
You can see it here, and to the right of this picture you will also find another rail. So it is a definite railway track, as opposed to an old pipe.