A Year In Paphos

Published 15th of September, 2020



Speaking of abandoned villages, in June we visited Zacharia. Most of the ruins you see in Paphos are as a result of the 1974 invasion. Turkish Cypriots were displaced to the North, while Greek Cypriots were displaced to the South. It is fascinating to explore old ruins, but these are tinged with sadness, owing to the not-to-distant hardships that must have been endured by the inhabitants.

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Roudia Time Warp


One of the things I love about writing all these blogs, is getting feedback from readers. In 2019 we heard from a lovely man named Tommy Nilsson, who was part of the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Fifties. A man after my own heart, he took a lot of pictures on his travels, and shared them with us. This one in particular took my fancy. As it showed what Roudia Bridge used to look like, not so long ago...

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Ancient Images


Cyprus has an abundance of churches. Some ancient, some modern. A common theme is for them to be highly decorated with ornate murals. Agios Nikolaso, in Galataria, has some lovely old examples, and is set in a beautiful location.

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Going To The Zoo


In July Alex went on the school trip to Paphos Zoo, and a good time was had by all.

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Limni Crystal Hunting


Another hobby of ours is exploring old mines and the countryside in general, looking for interesting minerals. Gypsum is fairly abundant, and nice samples can look beautiful. But the real thrill is to be had when you actually have to hit a rock with a hammer to see if it contains any hidden treasure.Read The Blog

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