Coral Bay Linear Park

Published 12th of March, 2024

Work In Progress


They are still working on the park, though this part of it is pretty much complete.

That Theatre Again


I wonder if there is any under-seat lighting like there is at the harbour?

Picnic Site


Next up there is a picnic area, with a fair number of benches. There is also fresh running water available, though I am unsur whether is is drinkable. This is very nice. My only potential criticism would be concerning the litter bins they have here. During BBQ season these will fill up very quickly.

Moving On


This stretch has a large area set aside for landscaping. I imagine in a couple of years it will look very pretty, once the shrubs and saplings have grown a bit.

Change Of Use


So far, the paraphernalia that surrounds the paths has been of a sedentary nature. That is about to change.

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