Coral Bay Linear Park

Published 12th of March, 2024

Coral Bay is having a bit of TLC at the moment. We will be returning to the Strip for a progress report later in the month. To whet your appetite I want to show you another part of Coral Bay which is also being renovated. So come and meet the new Linear Park.

Start Here


We begin our adventure by the side of the Coast Road as it approaches the Coral Bay Strip Roundabout from Paphos. If you look carefully, you can even see the roundabout sign. Just before the roundabout is a turning into a small parade of shops and restaurants. If you take that and immediately turn left, you will find yourself in this rather convenient parking area.

Incidentally, if you would rather just skip straight to the film, you can click here.

Sign Of The Times


There is a sign here telling you who is doing the work. The overall project is managed and funded by Peyia Municipality.

Enter Here


There is an impressive entrance here. Did you notice that it is called a Linear Park? This is defined as a park that is significantly longer than it is wide. Kind of like a chubby path, but with added extras.

Outdoor Theatre?


The first feature you come across after going through the gate is this. It looks like an open-air theatre. I resisted calling it an ampitheatre, as that has to be a complete circle.

Cycle Lane


There is also a cycle lane. I am in two minds about these in Cyprus. The ones in Geroskipou beside the dual carriageways are a bit daft, as they don't have dropped curbs at all the junctions. And the ones on the new Bypass by Neon Mall are annoying, as they mean the lanes for cars are too narrow for comfort. This cycle path though, doesn't get in the way of anything, and will keep cyclists off the footpath. So it is win-win.

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