Journey To Vretsia

In this film we drive through Galataria and Koilineia to get to Vretsia. We take a break from our usual display to bring you more information on the route itself. Let us know what you think about the various gauges and map...

For more information on Vretsia, see the articles we wrote on the subject:

Abandoned Villages: Vretsia
Return To Vretsia
Vretsia Tavern

This comes from the first article I wrote, and is worth repeating:

Cyprus has more than it's fair share of abandoned villages. The troubles caused the displacement of both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.The environment itself has caused other villages to be abandoned for reasons of safety. Whatever the reason, the abandonment caused emotional pain and suffering to the affected people. So is it right to right a series of blog articles on them? I thought about this for a while, but decided that yes it was. Cyprus is a land built on antiquities, and these villages are just the latest example. I had no problem blogging about a Necropolis after all.

However, some of these villages, and especially Vretsia, do still get visits from the displaced families. So if you do decide to visit these places on the strength of these articles, please bear that in mind, and treat them with respect. Remember the urban exploring motto: "take only pictures, leave only footprints...".



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