Paphos Seafront Storm - November 2023

Published 20th of November, 2023

Out Of Bounds


On calmer days I often take the route between the tavern and the sea, but at the moment that isn't possible unless you want to get very wet.

Mild Temperature


According to the electronic sign, the temperature was 18.3 degrees centigrade. To be honest, it felt colder than that, but that could be down to wind-chill I suppose.

Changing Area


The changing area next to the tavern is a good place to watch the waves, provided you keep an eye on the encroaching water. Unsurprisingly there were no swimmers around. However, there were a group of people sitting at a table and consuming a communal breakfast.

Municipal Bath


It was interesting to see how lots of rubbish had congregated in the swimming area here.

Fishboy Stands Firm


The Little Fisherman was also taking a battering, but stood defiant against the waves. There was no way I was going to do a close-up shot of him though.

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