Kennedy Square - Looking Good

Published 1st of February, 2017

A Different Approach


You don't have to paint a barrel to turn it into an art exhibit...

Back To Colour


Let's have another couple of shots of that really colourful one we showed at the start...

Colourful Closeup


Yes, definitely my favourite. Which one do you prefer?



Old Paphos Renovations are not complete yet! If I turn to face the other direction, I can see builders hard at work. But Old Paphos is going to look seriously good in the not to distant future.

Kennedy Where?


Most people will know where Kennedy Square is, but here is a map if you aren't sure. Old Paphos is actually quite a small area so if you park anywhere nearby you can walk easily enough. This is the best way to see the area, as there are many alleyways which hide hidden treasures and grant you shortcuts not possible to cars.

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