Vournia Nature Trail
After the excesses of Christmas we thought a few brisk walks were in order. If you are not used to exercise, then you should start gently. Fortunately, in Kallepeia, there is a Nature Trail that is only 1.5km long and a perfect way to ease yourself back into shape.
Start Here
It is easy to find the start of the Nature Trail. Just take the Tsada-Kallepeia Road and park when you come to the main junction into the village centre. There is a small Folk Art Museum here, and a red phone box, so it is easy to find.
Cross Here
Head for the brown sign by the bin first.
The sign is translated as:
Towards Nature's Path - Vournion Fountain
There is also a map, though you don't really need it, as the signs are fairly prolific on the route.
The translation is via Google, so is fairly rough and ready. There will be a lot of sign translations in this article, as the signs were all in Greek and I thought a translation would be useful. It does meant that there a lot of pictures of signs though.
This Way
There is also a leaflet you can pick up at the sign. This has the following text:
The nature of Beauty in Kallepia is located very close to the village and starts at the Community Council office where the Folk Art museum is also located.
It is circular which starts from the traditional Fountain of Vournia and makes a route of 1.5 kilometres through the green valleys with the traditional vegetation and plants which are indicated on special signs.
You can enjoy it by walking, relaxing on its wooden benches and gazing at nature and the nearby waterfall of Vournia, which you find only 100 metres from the path line.
The sign concludes:
Also in the middle of the road there is a traditional tap with drinking water and a table for resting. There are baskets which we ask you to place your waste in.
The enrichment of greenery and traditional plants continues where the Community Council contributes to their growth and development.