Gerovasa is an abandoned village nestled in the far reaches of the Diarizos Valley. At first glance it isn't very substantial. From the road, only a few ruins are visible. But if you take a walk through the trees you will see that there used to be quite a sizeable neighbourhood here. Just make sure you visit at the right time of year...
A Familiar Bridge
Let's start here. This is a fine example of a British Built Bailey Bridge, and it is a lot more stable than it looks! It is situated just above Gerovasa. If you continue up the road here you get to Trozena. This is another abandoned village we blogged about some time ago.
View From Trozena
We took this shot from the church in Trozena. You can see some of the ruins of Gerovasa from here. As I said already though, it doesn't look like there are more than a couple of buildings.
Let's Have A Map
Here's a satellite shot of the village, courtesy of Google. You can see a few more ruins here, but even so it doesn't look much.
At The Village
We have now driven down to the village itself. This is point 1 on the map. We took these pictures in November 2019. We originally visited Gerovasa to write a blog in the Spring of 2019. However, it looked a bit different then.
Lots of Green
This is a shot of the same track taken back in the Spring. As you can see, it is a bit overgrown.