The Abandoned Hospital at the Amiantos Asbestos Mine
The Cyprus Asbestos Mine is situated right in the heart of Troodos forest. Following a continuous operation of 84 years, the mine came to a sudden closure in 1988, leaving behind large volumes of waste tips, a badly designed mine pit and an unacceptable environmental scar to an otherwise heavily forested natural beauty area.
It also left behind a hospital, which now stands abandoned on the other side of the valley. While environmental steps have been taken to turn the area near the mines into a nature park, the hospital has been let to nature.
Though a fair journey from Paphos, it makes an excellent day trip. The nature park has a lovely picnic area and the hospital is accessible from the main road, so you don't need a 4x4 to explore. And explore you should, as our photos will reveal..
.Park Here

Amiantos is easy to find when you have reached the Troodos. You can see a map here. Once you have parked here, you can see the rooftops of your hospital. Across the valley you can see the buildings of the mine itself.
A First Look

Heading towards the hospital, you are soon in the shade, and surrounded by eerie buildings.
Fancy a Swim?

I was amazed to see this pond still full of water. I wonder what the source is?
Rear Entrance

This is the easiest way in and out of the hospital. Watch out for broken glass though.
Out Houses

There are a couple of other buildings too, though they were fairly non-descript. The upper one showed promise, as all the front doors were locked, but you could see (and climb) through the windows on the other side, and they were plainly empty.
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eBookCyprus Road Trip 01: the Kathikas - Panagia Loop
Let me take you on a journey around the region of Paphos, Cyprus. Starting at Paphos itself, we travel to Akoursos, then Kathikas, Kritou Terra and Simou. We continue past Lasa and Kannaviou, before taking in the delights of Panagia. Getting a bit more adventurous, we visit the abandoned villages of Statos and Agios Fotios, before passing through Choulou, Letymbou and Polemi, and rejoining the main Paphos - Polis road.
The route is suitable for all types of vehicle, and requires no off-roading. The guide contains about 130 photographs including shots of all the road signs you need to pay attention to, as well as some of the highlights you may experience along the way.
There are also several maps which will help you keep your bearings.
You can do this journey in a day, or you can break it up into chunks. You can also do it in reverse, to get some completely different views. It is entirely up to you.