Sinti Monastery

Published 17th of September, 2017

The Monastery


Next to it is a farm which brings some colour in the picture, which is nice as there are soo many stones.

From the Other Side


Next photo shows you the view from the other side towards Salaminou where we came down to the valley...

The Monastery


The Monastery remained in operation until 1927. After that date, it was abandoned, and in the early 1950's, all of its property was sold to residents of the neighboring villages. The date that the monastery was built is not well known but the church belongs to the first half of the 16th century.

In 1993 the Monastery of Kykkos started the maintenance of the Monastery which was completed in 1997. The same year, the Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Sinti received the Europa Nostra Award for the use of good restoration techniques and for preserving the original character of the ruins. Today the Monastery is under the protection of UNESCO

This is the entrance area with a nice water feature, everything is open, also the church, no entrance fee, and I was lucky that no one was there on a Saturday...



In the center of the complex is a well and on the right hand side one can see stables...



On both sides you see multi-storeyed buildings with lovely arches..

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