GHS Healthcare Benefits for Adults - Summary

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GHS Healthcare Benefits for Adults - Summary

Post by galexinda »

I have put this together from various official sources:


Patients between the ages of 16-18 are entitled to three visits to their GP, those in the 18-40 age group are entitled to four visits, those in the 41-50 age group are allowed six visits, those aged 51-65 are allowed eight visits, while patients over 65 are allowed ten visits on an annual basis.

To tackle the potential issue of over visitation, the HIO said that if a patient exceeds the allowed visitation limits, they will have to pay their doctor €15 per visit, though it noted that patients with chronic illnesses, low-income pensioners, beneficiaries of the guaranteed minimum income and their children, are exempt from this additional charge.

Fees for NHS beneficiaries:
• GP visits and in-hospital care will be free of charge.
• Up to €6 per single visit to a specialised doctor.
• €10 per visit to other healthcare professionals (i.e. physiotherapists).
• €10 per visit to the Emergency Department (security officers, active reserve army soldiers are excluded).
• €6 per appointment with a nurse.
• €10 per diagnostic examination.
• €1 per package of medicine.
• €1 per lab examination (with a limit of €10, i.e. if a doctor asks for 12 examinations, the patient can only pay up to €10).

A ceiling will be set on how much a NHS beneficiary can pay per year, regardless of how much they use the service.
Persons who receive a minimum guaranteed income, low-paid pensioners and beneficiaries who are under 21 years of age can pay up to €75 per year.
All other beneficiaries can pay up to €150 per year.

UK in Cyprus - British High Commission Nicosia
24 April at 08:58 •

The new Cypriot General Healthcare System (GESY) opens for registration for some categories of users from today (24 April).
From 24 April, adults aged 16 and over can register both in the General Healthcare System register as well as in the register of their personal doctor/GP of preference.
The Cypriot authorities have confirmed that UK state pensioners who are also S1 form holders will be entitled to free state healthcare under GESY, but they will need to register.
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Re: GHS Healthcare Benefits for Adults - Summary

Post by trevnhil »

I take the last sentence to mean that UK pensioners with an S1 form will not have money taken by the income tax authorities.. But I assume they will still have to pay for the consultations and medicines..
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Re: GHS Healthcare Benefits for Adults - Summary

Post by galexinda »

Correct trevnhil - S1 holders will not have to contribute to the scheme from their state pension and they will have to pay for consultations etc.

Have seen many people on FB stating they cannot sign up using S1 Form at their doctors and being told they can sign up if they have MEU3 but probably not aware that if they do this then they will have to pay contributions to GESY.
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