By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by outasite »

Jim B wrote: Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:32 am
outasite wrote: Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:59 am
Happy in Cyprus wrote: Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:16 am Concensus amongst Thursday's newspapers is that May is heading for the chop. She managed to cajole/bully/threaten the cabinet into line yesterday, but now that they've left the comfy surroundings of No.10, they're likely to plot/rebel against her. Robert Peston's view is that this deal will not get through Parliament anyway. Scotland is now complaining that Northern Ireland will have an unfair trading advantage.

And if May is ousted, what then? Doesn't bear thinking about.

A right dog's dinner. Thank you Brexiteers ;)
Don't thank the Brexit voters. Thank the politicians who, en masse, have made a pigs ear of the whole thing. They have had 20 months to reach amicable agreement and in all that time they have fought amongst themselves to achieve something that is best for them personally. I voted leave, but the politicians have made that totally irrelevent with their in fighting, back sliding, and giving away each and step to the EU. We are a country that became a member State of the EU through lies and subterfuge, we obeyed every single rule or law thrown at us, we paid every single penny agreed, and in the end, why. We will still be tied to the EUs apron strings but without a voice. What a total waste this has all been.
You can't say you're surprised though, can you?
Party always comes before people no matter what side of the devide you're on. We've all wasted over two years of our lives arguing about something none of us have any control over when we could have spent it on something far more important like football 😊

No, I am not in the least surprised. We import a shed load more from the EU, than we export to them. Every demand we made was poo pooed, yet we, it seems to me, agreed to every demand from them, including the obscene £39 billion May agreed to pay. Yet for some reason which escapes me we are getting a bunch of EU rules and no actual voice. As you say what a waste of pushing 2 years of ifs, buts and maybes. Luckily the politicos will still have a trough to wade through. Ho hum. 😐 PS.. I am outasite, not outside.😂😂 have a good day. No point worrying is there?
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Jimgward »

As at 12 GMT, 4 ministers have resigned....
Rest-Mogg almost admitted on Preston last night, that he would be joining the no-confidence in Theresa May as leader....

I wonder if May is shrewder than we thought?

She must see a potential of the Tory party ripping itself apart. Or the country ripping itself apart. So she is faced with stepping down, allowing another election with the possibility of Labour winning and taking the Brexit reigns and flack outcome.... Ot have a vote on her leadership she wins and is safe for a year to do what she wants.....
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Jimgward »

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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by josef k »

You really couldn't make this up could you. All this mess comes down to issues related to Northern Ireland, a province most British don't really want in the UK if they were honest. It certainly wasn't to the fore in people's minds when they voted in the referendum.
May is busy trying to square the circle, and managed to alienate virtually everyone in the process so she is likely to loose the parliamentary vote and may well be forced out of office. The resulting issue is who would take over. It won't be Boris as he chickened out last time and prefers to be "outside the tent", if you know the expression. Would it be Rees Mogg? Possibly, but he is an out-of-touch multi-millionaire who would get little support from ordinary voters. So it will be someone else, namely someone who most people haven't heard of. Put this together with filling the vacancy for a new Brexit Secretary, and the position of the UK will be worse than ever.
In the end I predict there will be a second referendum requested by both sides. Remainers will hope the result will be in their favour. Brexiteers will hope the result will strengthen their commitment to leave, probably without an agreement.

We will see.
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by josef k »

An interesting aside I note from the withdrawal paper just published, is that there has been a lot of effort put into ensuring there is not a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland or one between Northern Ireland and the UK. However, it would seem there will now be a hard border between the Sovereign Base Areas and the UK, if my reading of the paper is correct.
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by ApusApus »

Happy in Cyprus wrote: Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:28 pm
ApusApus wrote: Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:38 amAnd as for you HiC, maybe you should have used your vote when you had the chance instead of winging like a stuck pig after the event? :lol: :lol: Shane

So, let me get this right, you're suggesting that my one single vote would have made a difference to the outcome of the referendum? Gosh, you really are out of your depth, aren't you?
In a word "yes"! Your single vote together the votes of other people like you who couldn't be a***d to cast their votes could have made a difference to the outcome! If everybody adopted your view then what is the point of having a vote at all because nobody would turn up? And you say I'm out of my depth! :lol:
Happy in Cyprus wrote: Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:28 pm
josef k wrote: Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:16 pmIn the end I predict there will be a second referendum requested by both sides. Remainers will hope the result will be in their favour.
I'm really surprised that May did not opt for a second referendum weeks ago. We all know which way that would have swung, the UK would then remain in the EU, and hey presto, at a stroke May could stop digging the hole any deeper, the pound would soar, business investment would return and then everything would return to normal. Job done!
And you think it's that simple? A second referendum would set a democratic precedent which would open the door to a third referendum, then a fourth and so on. How many years do you think that will all take and do you seriously believe that the EU will say "come back amigos, don't worry everything will be as before"?

Dream on ...........

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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by living the dream »

HIC - maybe you should have thought about voting at the time or made a really concerted effort to cast your vote, for someone who did not you have plenty to say for the remain camp, I personally cast my vote and feel that everyone who did remain or leave have a right to continually debate the pros and cons. You did not vote for whatever reason so what gives you the right to continually slag off those who voted against your precious EU and to be fair that goes for everyone else who did not vote.

I lived abroad at the time but made it my business to make sure I had my say via my vote, if it had gone the other way yes I would have been disappointed, however unlike you and the rest of the remainers I would have accepted the result which pretty much goes for most people who voted to leave I suspect. You continually drone on about you, your family and children and how it will affect them and their futures, if the EU is so important to you your family and your followers then take out EU Citizenship via Ireland or Cyprus whereupon you will get exactly what you keep telling the rest of us we will miss. I for one won't miss the EU and all it stands for and as for Mrs May show me one other party that has a plan they could even go to the EU with, she has stuck by her convictions and TRIED to deliver what the UK voters wanted. Those who voted Brexit WON get over it, but for someone who didn't vote what gives you the right to keep slating those of us who did make the time and take the effort to vote.

The EU seems to be yours and others holy grail so why not take up EU Citizenship, it solves all your personal and moral dilemmas. Once you take up your beloved EU Citizenship you can then argue till you are blue in the face the benefits of being an EU Citizen and how people who did vote Brexit were stupid, ignorant, racist and how backward we are, and how we had the audacity to vote in favour of Brexit.

In my own defence I am certainly not stupid with a 172 IQ, 3 A Levels, 7 O Levels and a degree, Ignorant my job does not allow for it, racist, I work with many different races colours and creed and find them to be excellent work colleagues and friends, backward unlikely as my job requires 4 years initial training and have then spent the last 30 years on refreshers, advanced training and ongoing testing to improve various ratings which allows me to earn well into 6 figures annually tax free and travel the world.

I voted, for those of you who didn't vote whats your excuse and more importantly what gives you the right to belittle those who did vote. As for Mrs May going - Rees Mogg and another 40 or 50 self serving rebels only interested in their own political agenda's have writen to the head of the 1922 committee to express their vote of no confidence today, however there are over 500 Conservative MPs, the vast majority of which will support Mrs May as expressed by Kenneth Clarke (and including Kenneth Clarke An Ardent Remainer) and many other leading
figures this evening so no point in gloating just yet.

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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Jim B »

So did you vote remain or leave; you did state you voted remain but now you're implying you voted leave or are you still undecided?
My Brother in Law is a Doctor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science but used to call me round to his place to change a light bulb so was he stupid or just impractical?
It's immaterial whether you have 10 A Levels or a CSE or an IQ of a 172, it's all about life experience don't you think?
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Mrblobby »

An example of a letter of no confidence , allegedly sent last month .
0920A761-485E-42BB-9FB7-90519D413C10.jpeg (183.34 KiB) Viewed 4300 times
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by jeba »

living the dream wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:15 amfor someone who didn't vote what gives you the right to keep slating those of us who did make the time and take the effort to vote.
Freedom of expression?
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by outasite »

Living the Dream,
Excellent post but I feel the words...water, ducks, back, and off, will be the result. 😁
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Jim B »

Hudswell wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:20 am
Jim B wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:42 am So did you vote remain or leave; you did state you voted remain but now you're implying you voted leave or are you still undecided?
My Brother in Law is a Doctor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science but used to call me round to his place to change a light bulb so was he stupid or just impractical?
It's immaterial whether you have 10 A Levels or a CSE or an IQ of a 172, it's all about life experience don't you think?
It matters not which way LtD voted, the essence of he post stands true, unless you actually voted then you really do not have the "right" to,continually berate those that did...the majority of the people that voted, voted to leave the EU, which we will. My only disappointment in all,of this process is that The Government, Parliament and the country did not come together behind that will, as we have done in the past, and drove the process through, because to be quite honest, the EU would not have stood a chance. And no it's not all about pieces of paper, I left school at 16 with 3 cse's...but I do believe I have a Modicum and common sense.....and didn't do too many who voted in the referendum.
I seem to recall that you stated only recently that you didn't vote either.

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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Jim B »

Termites Dream wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:43 am To not vote is a cop out which our freedoms allow. Many I feel fail to vote because they cannot see the result as being anything different to what they themselves believe. How could anybody vote against MY view!!!

The result is they sit at home in the belief that others will do the work for them.

When the dawn breaks and the results become a shock, a long meritless list of reasons is concocked as to why that vote was not cast. Comments after the event under the heading of freedom of speech follow, but fail to acknowledge that the act of voting underscores that
freedom and others we all cherish. Democracy is a gift and a responsibility.
I know many, both remain and leave who didn't vote for many different reasons which I've mentioned in the past. No postal votes received, over the fifteen year limit, not on the electoral register etc and not just because they couldn't be bothered; oh, if life was so simple.

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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Jimgward »

‘Liv9ng the dream’ - there are 315 Tory MPs from a total parliament of 650.

Yer A-levels didn’t give ye current knowledge :D
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Oxfordboy »

And also many, like me, weren't allowed to vote in something of such monumental importance because we'd lived outside of the UK for more than 15 years. Are we not entitled to an opinion? IQ, education, jobs and responsibility are meaningless here . I worry about the future of the now deeply and seemingly permanently divided UK not so much for me, but for the sake of my kids and grandkids, brought on by the lunacy of Brexit (in my opinion) so why shouldn't I be able to speak my mind?
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Jim B »

Termites Dream wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 10:39 am Jim if you are not eligible to vote then you cannot, but I cannot see that applies to some on these boards.
Like Oxford Boy I am now unable to vote because I've lived outside the UK for too many years. I applied for a postal vote in 2016 which I never received as did my daughter who never received hers either and is also over the 15 year limit. I still pay taxes in the UK but I'm not allowed to vote on an issue that affects both my family and me and you all shout about democracy; please!!!

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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by WHL »

Hudswell wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:18 pm
Jim B wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 10:12 am
Hudswell wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:20 am

It matters not which way LtD voted, the essence of he post stands true, unless you actually voted then you really do not have the "right" to,continually berate those that did...the majority of the people that voted, voted to leave the EU, which we will. My only disappointment in all,of this process is that The Government, Parliament and the country did not come together behind that will, as we have done in the past, and drove the process through, because to be quite honest, the EU would not have stood a chance. And no it's not all about pieces of paper, I left school at 16 with 3 cse's...but I do believe I have a Modicum and common sense.....and didn't do too many who voted in the referendum.
I seem to recall that you stated only recently that you didn't vote either.

Guilty as charged, I would have voted to remain, but having seen the attitude of the EU, throughout this entire process, i am pleased that the UK is leaving. And yes I will argue the case to leave, although I will not insult those who voted to remain, as was their right.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by WHL »

Hudswell wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:22 pm Oh didn't know? Catch up...
Too funny for words, give my regards to Mastro Geppetto. :lol:
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Re: By the time some of you read this, May could be gone....

Post by Jimgward »

Well, May has lasted longer than I thought she would..... perhaps the dissenters are fewer than even they think....

Polls say the general populace of Tory voters back May and alos want a People's vote (copyright Daily Mail)
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