The Brexit Special

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

Oh come on
They don't have any choice, if they refuse their benefits are stopped, it's that simple. Not all of us had or have jobs for life.
As usual you were crowing about the failings of the EU; I made a point that more redundancies from Bombardier will affect the UK. YOU brought Brexit into this discussion, you interpreted it that way. In fact I made a point of not mentioning Brexit in my comments.

Here is a link to comments made by one of the leading ERG Members on the Today programme. Only took him two years to work it out. You can play it back on I Player

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jimgward »

Hudswell, you would have to be blind to not acknowledge, that the current crew negotiating for the UK, are making a complete erse of this all. Dont blame the EU, we KNEW Ireland was a problem and not of the EUs making, May signed a deal with the dinasaurs of the DUP (oops, sorry, the DUP dont believe in dinasaurs) that prevents any other solution than remaining in customs union. This is going to be a sticking point for the cabinet.

When our chief negotiator doesnt realise that Dover is a problem.....
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jimgward »

My random post is to fit into the Theme of “Brexit Special” - the thread itself.... since Bombardier has nothing to do with Brexit, why are you randomly commenting?
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

Sorry, been out of it as the power has been off for over six hours due to lightning strike.
Again Hudswell you are assuming. As Bombardier only employ about 3500 in the UK it would be very difficult to lay off 5,000 there. As usual you were making out that the EU is all doom and gloom and I was just pointing out that it's no better in the UK as Bombardier is laying people off in the UK as well. I've noticed you totally ignore posts when you can't dissect them like you never said a word about the automotive parts company pulling out of the UK because of Brexit or about Raabs comments on Dover; you are very selective with your responses. How about Joe Johnson resigning as a transport minister over Brexit, any comments about that?
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

This what the UK has come to in the 21st century; every other country is going forward and the UK is going backwards to the nineteen forties and rationing.

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by ApusApus »

Jim B wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:46 pm Sorry, been out of it as the power has been off for over six hours due to lightning strike.
So thankfully there is a god! 😁

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jimgward »

Hudswell wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:30 pm
Jimgward wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:04 pm My random post is to fit into the Theme of “Brexit Special” - the thread itself.... since Bombardier has nothing to do with Brexit, why are you randomly commenting?
Well perhaps,you need to have a chat with Jim B about that...because Bombadier has nothing to do,with BREXIT....but Jim felt he needed to point that out...on this Thread!. I was just putting him straight. And still at a loss why your previous post was directed at me, I don't believe any of my previous posts on this thread have questioned the "capability" of the negotiating teams.
Oh, so we can only refer “in theread” to your view on things?

You CONSTANTLY blame the EU and not the UK, for all breakdowns in communication. You only accept one side - the far-right - of any argument.
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

ApusApus wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:40 pm
Jim B wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:46 pm Sorry, been out of it as the power has been off for over six hours due to lightning strike.
So thankfully there is a god! 😁

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

I can name two plants, Plymouth and Reading that are on the list for possible redundancies; now where did I get them from? I didn't even know they had plants in those towns until I read it yesterday.
The point is that you keep trying to make out it's all fine in the UK and the EU is falling apart when in fact the opposite is closer to the mark.
For the life of me I can't understand why a person who purports to love the UK is quite happy to see it go down the road to ruin because you're miffed with the EU negotiations team simply because they are much better at it than our negotiations team.
You should read Joe Johnson's resignation letter, it may make you realise where the country is heading.

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

Again; I never mentioned Bombardier and Brexit in my post, you raised it. As I've said many times; any of us like JW , HIC, WHO or myself can raise 99 salient points which you totally ignore but home in on one (like Bombardier) which you try to use to disparage the other ninety nine.
Why should I support something I don't believe in, I believe it will be a total disaster for the UK but you think people like me should just support it anyway. What's happened in the negotiations would have happened anyway as the EU has certain principles it has stuck to from the beginning which is something sadly lacking on our side. You may find our posts boring but only because you have no answer to them; I only post the articles to show how ridiculous our position has become. We have become the laughing stock of the world, what a fall from grace.

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

Did you get behind Tony Blair when he won in 97; did you support Labour when they were in power, I doubt it. You're a typical Leaver; blame anyone and everyone for what is an unmitigated disaster of your own making. Maybe you never voted but it's quite obvious where your loyalties lie.
The ERG have stated they are aware the ordinary people will be socially and financially worse off after a no deal Brexit though the ideology of leaving the EU is more important than the wellbeing of the citizens of the UK; what sort of people are you supporting and that you expect people like me to support as well.
No thanks.
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jimgward »

I have never posted anything negative about brexit with any glee. It appalls me, that we are heading over a precipice and so many appear not to see it. The car crash is blind even to our negotiators.

It is nothing to do with the country being split but 100% the fault of campaigners for brexit buggering off and offering no advice or support of the process and indeed undermining any attempts to find a rational solution.
The reality is that we foolishly believed the big old world would welcome Britannia with open arms and that trade would increase. We are jeopardising jobs, GDP, pensions, savings and more. We COULD end up much worse off for the rest of our lifetimes.

As I cannot see the benefits as nobody can offer me any, then I’ll do my little bit to try to ensure the brakes are in good condition.

As many have asked on here before. Please list for me 5 benefits of brexit.
Last edited by Jimgward on Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

Good post Jim W; like you I get no pleasure seeing the country I love heading for an unmitigated disaster. I see my daughter trying to sort her documentation out with money her and her Cypriot husband can ill afford. Applying for a Cypriot passport that costs hundreds of euros with money that would be better spent on her two daughters because she can't take the chance that nothing will change. We are all heading into unchartered territory and none of us know, even the High Commissioner what's around the corner.

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by living the dream »

Have just returned to the UK and thought I would just post some thoughts from other citizens of the world I have been speaking to whilst on my travels to the Far East, USA and Australia. Whilst many people were bemused that the UK voted for Brexit they are equally bemused at the way the negotiations are going.

Europe and not just the UK is world news with many people pointing out that with all the problems in the Med Countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece etc the UK may be better off out of the EU, equally many people stated that the Brexit vote should be honoured whether it had been remain or leave with politicians putting their own political agendas ahead of the people they represent. Some people I had spoken with were also equally bemused as to why the UK would want to leave the EU whilst others could not understand how any country or Bloc of Countries could allow a process where unelected Presidents were free to determine the fete of others. All in all I would say that the conversations had were fairly equally split in the pros and cons of Brexit.

When the subject of trade deals came up in various chats most people agreed that trade deals would be forthcoming once the UK is free to negotiate and at least the UK would be negotiating on its own behalf without having to have consent from 27 other countries. The interesting comments that came back was the Med Countries were considered as the poor relations in the EU with mass youth unemployment and migration etc whilst the Northern Countries all appear fairly prosperous albeit that the politics were now moving in a more worrying direction.

So in summary from other views from other global citizens I had the pleasure in talking to:- Was the UK right to vote leave - equally split in my opinion, will the UK prosper in the global market - more people felt probably it would , is the EU rock solid - definitely not
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jimgward »

Interesting point, LtD.

The UK is a Services country, with much of those services being within the financial sector.Manufacturing is almost all as part of European or Worldwide organisations, such as Car Manufacture.
It is VITAL that these are protected, so that freedom of movement of parts is not hampered under any deal. Additionally, there is a great risk of finance moving to Amsterdam and Frankfurt. Almost all Finance organisations in the UK, have opened up EU offices to cover themselves.

The UK needs to remain attractive for companies to stay, as well as for EU countries to do business with UK countries.

At this point though, we are in the dark. We do not know what kind of deal will be done. My gut feeling, is a 'hard' Brexit with no deal, but a temporary 2 year customs union. This suits the EU more than us, as it allows them more time to 'pull' business from the UK.

So, in conclusion, I cannot see any positive. The EU is our biggest trading partners and we need to keep that so, but I don't think we can.
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by kingfisher »

@ living the dream.
Thank you for a very informative first- hand- experience based comment.
Interesting that the split you refer to approximates to the voting split in UK.

BTW, Were 52% of your informants old/ thick/ uneducated/ male/ racist etc? [Just joking!]
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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

Having spent most of my life working for a very large American multi national with a diverse workforce from more or less every country in the world I could provide the opinions of people I lived with, worked with, ate with and socialised with (rather than had a passing chat with) from numerous countries off my last project though I'm pretty sure you would discount my first hand experience as irrelevant. The most amusing comments were from Americans who were pleased with Brexit as they finally found a nation more stupid than the USA after they voted in Trump for President.

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by kingfisher »

So, Jim, you see a majority of the Americans [i.e., those who voted for Trump], as being “stupid”. You also impute further stupidity to them by virtue of their being pleased about Brexit on the basis of certain assumed parallels between Brexit and Trump.

You rather prove my point: that many remainers assert that voting a certain way, even in majority, is “stupidity”.
That in itself is a stupid assertion. The Flat Earth Society meets every Wednesday in Paphos - so I’m informed- and they regard the majority as stupid- give them a try Jim!

[BTW, 136 days left].

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by Jim B »

The majority of Americans didn't vote for Trump, please check and I was repeating comments made to me by many of my American work mates, they're not comments of my own. They suggested people who voted for both Trump and Brexit were on the same intellectual level. I wouldn't dare write what the Aussies and New Zealanders opinions on trade deals are in case there are people of a nervous disposition reading.
Well it appears you know more about the Flat Earth Society than I do; did you enquire about membership ;-)

You can always scroll up to get the opinions of some leavers who attended the Farage leave conference in Harrogate.

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Re: The Brexit Special

Post by kingfisher »

When I contacted them on your behalf, the Flat Earth Society was delighted- as they only take REMAINERS!

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