Any Ideas ?

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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by PhotoLady »

So sorry, Jackie - not a day goes by that we think about our 2 dogs but yes, it does get easier as time goes by. We still laugh together about the daft things they used to do and the good memories far outweigh those sad ones towards the end.

We've decided there are no more pets coming into our household but we're lucky the people next door to us have 3 Cocker Poos. Two of them are brothers and the other one, Teddy who is the eldest at just over 12 months is absolutely adorable. They each have their own individual character but quite clearly work as a threesome. We invited our neighbours to bring them round the other weekend as it was just us and them who were left at the end of our party at home.

It was wonderful to have them running around like a bunch of nutters (the dogs, that is) but it doesn't entice us to think about getting another one ourselves.... Too much heartbreak over too many different occasions now for us.

People still stop us in the street and ask where our two are as we were a regular foursome outside the post office :-(

Slowly, slowly - one day at a time Jackie and it will start to get a little easier day by day.

Thinking about you xxx
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Lincoln »

Losing your very best ever friend is devastating. We had our lab Toby put to sleep, many many years ago. We still miss him and I get a lump in my throat when I think about him. I know he is waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Firefly »

Thanks everyone for your posts, it's of some comfort to know that I'm not alone in experiencing this sadness. Our other cat Pumpkin, 7 years old, is very confused as to where Pepper is, she is searching the house and garden, and mewing. She has never lived without another cat, even in the rescue, she was in with others.

Pepper has been cremated and his ashes will lie in our rose garden, where he will not be disturbed, and the whole area will be covered in bark chippings, I have ordered a small stepping stone with a picture of a cat etched into it, to lie on his grave, no words, none are necessary.

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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Jimgym »

I am so very sorry for your loss. Pets are such a huge part of our lives and it's heartbreaking to say goodbye. xx
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Firefly »

Thanks Jim

Everyone who has loved and has been loved by a pet, knows the heartbreak.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by PhotoLady »

At least you could say "goodbye" to him and make the decision for him, Jackie.....

There are so many others who don't get that choice, so be thankful that you were able to be there looking out for him in his time of need.
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Firefly »


What you say is very true.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Firefly »

So after saying goodbye to Pepper, which was a huge wrench, we decided to see if we could offer a home to another unloved cat. We visited our local rescue and decided to take Percy. He's all black, so difficult to re-home, he had been there for nearly two years, poor boy. Bless him he has tried to be friends with Pumpkin, but she's having non of it, of course it will take time for her to adjust to another cat in the house, extra fuss for her might help.

Percy has been out into the garden today for the first time, but was back in pretty quick when the wind got up, so after a few more biscuits, he's curled up on his blanket and gone fast asleep. I'm sure Pepper would be glad that we have given a home to another unwanted cat, as we did him. We can never replace a beloved pet, but we can do the best we can for another.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by PhotoLady »

Bless you for taking in another lost soul....

We always had black cats for many years and then as time went by, it was the cats that found us rather than the other way round :-)

As for your two, they will sort themselves out eventually - it all takes time.
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Firefly »


Thank you for your kind reply.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Firefly »

A quick follow up to our adoption of Percy. When we first got him, he had a lump on his side, the vet has now removed the lump, and found it to be an air gun pellet, which must have been there for at least two years. Who ever is responsible will never know how lucky they are that I can't get my hands on them ! :evil:

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
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Re: Any Ideas ?

Post by Firefly »

What an awful world we live in Flossie. Glad your pet is doing well.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
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