Today's Ride

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Anarita John
Posts: 915
Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:18 pm
Location: Formally Rochdale, Penrhyn Bay and Anarita

Today's Ride

Post by Anarita John »

Went out on my bike today. Hard work riding against the wind, even with electric assistance. Rode from Anarita to the dam and then down to the coast at Mandria. Three laps of Mandria and then back to Anarita. 20 miles in total.
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Was very surprised as to how low the water level was. Will need a huge amount of snow melt and rain to fill to overflowing.
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Saw someone fishing. The beach part he parked on was underwater this time last year.
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A rough sea down at Mandria. Hope it calms down a bit by Christmas Day as quite a few people brave the cool sea for a Christmas Day dip. I prefer our heated pool.
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