Snakes hunt for water leading to increased sightings

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Paphos Life
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Snakes hunt for water leading to increased sightings

Post by Paphos Life »

Reports of snakes being seen in places where people have never seen them before is not because Cyprus snake population is spiralling, officials have said.The reason is far more mundane: the drought. Lack of winter rain has forced snakes to move about more to find water and food....

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Re: Snakes hunt for water leading to increased sightings

Post by cyprusmax47 »

"Reports of snakes being seen in places where people have never seen them before".......CMail

This exactly happened to me a few days ago when I heard a strange noise, coming from outside the large sliding door at my office, which was locked.
When I had a look, I was face to face with a young snake which tried to have access to my room, climbing up the window.
I rushed to get my camera ready but the moment i touched the window with the camera lens the black snake run off before I was able to photograph it. However I could see now the full length of it and guessing app 1.50 long it was. I wonder if it was a offspring from the large snake I had in the garden a couple of years ago... (photos below) which was >2 m in size


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Re: Snakes hunt for water leading to increased sightings

Post by Galini »

Black Whip snake - the one you DO want around as they prey on the Blunt Nosed Viper, among other things.
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