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Post by WHL »

This popped up on my facebook today, makes sense to me,

RETIRED SURGEON Sam Laucks, has this to say about wearing masks:
“OK, here’s my rant about masks:
I have spent the past 39 years working in the field of surgery. For a significant part of that time, I have worn a mask. I have worked with hundreds (probably thousands) of colleagues during those years, who have also worn masks. Not a single one us of became ill, passed out or died from lack of oxygen. Not a single one of us became ill, passed out or died from breathing too much carbon dioxide. Not a single one us of became ill, passed out or died from rebreathing a little of our own exhaled air. Let’s begin here by putting those scare tactics to rest!
(It is true that some people, with advanced lung diseases, may be so fragile that a mask could make their already-tenuous breathing more difficult. If your lungs are that bad, you probably shouldn’t be going out in public at the present time anyway; the consequences if you are exposed to Covid-19 would likely be devastating.)
~ “But”, you ask, “can’t viruses go right through the mask, because they are so small?” (“Masks keep viruses out just as well as a chain link fence keeps mosquitoes out,” some tell us.) It is true that individual virus particles can pass through the pores of a mask; however, viruses don’t move on their own. They do not fly across the room like a mosquito, wiggle through your mask like a worm, or fly up your nose like a gnat. The virus is essentially nothing more than a tiny blob of genetic material. Covid-19 travels in a CARRIER – the carrier is a fluid droplet- fluid droplets that you expel when you cough, sneeze, sing, laugh, talk or simply exhale. Most of your fluid droplets will be stopped from entering the air in the room if you are wearing a mask. Wearing a mask is a very efficient way to protect others if you are carrying the virus (even if you don’t know that you are infected). In addition, if someone else’s fluid droplets happen to land on your mask, many of them will not pass through. This gives the wearer some additional protection, too. But, the main reason to wear a mask is to PROTECT OTHERS. Even if you don’t care about yourself, wear your mask to protect your neighbors, co-workers and friends!
~ A mask is certainly not 100% protective. However, it appears that the severity of Covid-19 infection is at least partially “dose-dependent.” In other words, the more virus particles that enter your body, the sicker you are likely to become. Why not decrease that volume if you can? “What have you got to lose?!”
~ “But doesn’t a requirement or a request to wear a mask violate my constitutional rights?” You’re also not allowed to go into the grocery store if you are not wearing pants. You can’t yell “fire” in the Produce Department. You’re not allowed to urinate on the floor in the Frozen Food Section. Do you object to those restrictions? Rules, established for the common good, are component of a civilized society.
~ “But aren’t masks uncomfortable?” Some would say that underwear or shoes can be uncomfortable, but we still wear them. (Actually, being on a ventilator is pretty darned uncomfortable, too!) Are masks really so bad that you can’t tolerate them, even if they will help keep others healthy?
~ “But won’t people think I’m a snowflake or a wimp if I wear a mask?” I hope you have enough self-confidence to overcome that.
~ “But won’t I look stupid if I wear a mask?” I’ve decided not to dignify that question with an answer!! 🙂
~ “But I never get sick; I’m not worried.” Well, then, wear a mask for the sake of the rest of us who are not so perfect!
There is good evidence that masks make a real difference in diminishing the transmission of Covid-19. Please, for the sake of others (and for the sake of yourself), wear your mask when in public. It won’t kill you!
P.S. - And, by the way, please be sure that BOTH your nose and mouth are covered!
Recommendations around mask usage are confusing. The science isn't. Evidence shows that masks are extremely effective to slow the coronavirus and may be the best tool available right now to fight it.”
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Re: Masks

Post by Devil »

WHL wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:29 pm This popped up on my facebook today, makes sense to me,
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Re: Masks

Post by trevnhil »

It makes sense to me as well.. it is also good to see that Most people are adhering to the rules.
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Re: Masks

Post by WHL »

Devil wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:21 pm
WHL wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:29 pm This popped up on my facebook today, makes sense to me,
What a pointless post :roll:
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Re: Masks

Post by Kili01 »

Yes, true. Apart from a few in a butchers shop, who still wear a mask round their neck or chin.
They have been asked to put them on, but are very reluctant.

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Re: Masks

Post by WHL »

Kili01 wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:35 pm Yes, true. Apart from a few in a butchers shop, who still wear a mask round their neck or chin.
They have been asked to put them on, but are very reluctant.

Why don't you tell them, that you will not be shopping there again, until they wear their masks properly?
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Re: Masks

Post by JuraHound »

If Masks are so important that the Cyprus government have made it law to wear one, why are all the bars in and around the tourists areas still allowing singers to blast away every night when the article regarding masks that was posted on here clearly states that singing spreads the virus. I am sick and tired of all this hype regarding covid and I am sure there are lots of others that feel the same as i do. Covid is everywhere in your face as soon as you wake up until the time you go to bed. There are conflicting reports to how accurate the tests are, there are conflicting reports to the figures that the Government are releasing, there are different figures to how many people are in hospital and how many have died. I ask the question is this whole issue really as bad as the Government, press and other media sources are making out. How many forum members know of anyone who has tested positive for covid, either here in Cyprus or any other country in the world. I do not disagree that there is a virus out there but i have spoken to hundreds of people over the last few months since this has been in the world news and the people i have spoken to from all different parts of the world do not know anyone who they know has had the covid. Now if it is as bad as its being broadcast, surely someone must know someone who has had covid???????????? Now I know that I am going to piss some people off on here who will take offence to my views which has shown in the last posting I placed on here re this subject but everyone is entitled to their own views and my own views are that I think this whole issue about covid is being blown out of context completley. We are now in a situation where if this continues any longer Cyprus and all other countries will be damaged financially even more than what the damage of covid would cause.
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Re: Masks

Post by trevnhil »

You are absolutely right about one thing.. you are certainly pissing people off.
So what do we do just disregard the crisis and let the people die ??
Last edited by trevnhil on Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Masks

Post by Tremigirl »

I was tested positive but was had no symptoms but was sent to The Eden in Larnaca for time weeks until I had two consecutive negative tests before I could go home. It was an awful place and an awful experience. I also knew someone who was seriously ill through covid and was intubated and took 6 months so recover.
So if wearing a mask can help in anyway however small then wear one.
Think of all those people that have lost loved ones.
Keep well and keep safe everyone.
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Re: Masks

Post by darrow »

My son has had it, so has my grandson. They do not live in the same county, and have not seen each other for a long time. My plumber told me his son in U.K. has been diagnosed and my accountant has cancelled our appt because his son here in Cyprus has been diagnosed. So I am wearing my mask!
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Re: Masks

Post by Jimgward »

A friend’s father died of it.
A nephew has been tested positive
My son and grandsons believe they had it before testing was available - May time
My friend is an Anaesthetist in ICU in Scotland - he has watched many dozens die... the staff are at the end of their tether...
My other friend is a Pharmacist in ICU in Manchester - he has watched people in their twenties die...

I spoke to a bloke who has had it twice, first time, really bad, second time, hardly anything, Both confirmed by tests

He’s 41, runs marathons, 300 miles a month. Fit as a fiddle and was floored by it.... go figure...

You sound like one of Trump’s QANON people
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Re: Masks

Post by Jimgym »

Thankfully I don't know anyone who has had it. I guess I am one of the lucky ones.
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Re: Masks

Post by Jimgward »

Nothing more needs said
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Re: Masks

Post by joplic »

I had it when I was in the UK in March. I spent 3 weeks in bed and then 4 weeks in a zombie like state before I suddenly got my energy back.

The week before I developed my symptoms I had been to a meeting with people from 5 different countries. Most of the attendees of the meeting subsequentoy developed symptoms of varying degrees. Most were able to shrug it off within a few days but some of us were much more poorly and sadly one of the attendees ( a really good friend) died within 13 days of the meeting!

It is real!
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Re: Masks

Post by jeba »

A friend of mine caught it. 58 years, fit and healthy. He´s been struggling for 6 months now and still has neurological symptoms (can´t taste or smell, dizziness attacks, saying things he doesn´t want to say while being fully aware of it).
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Re: Masks

Post by Kia Picanto »

We were in Cyprus in March, when Covid was beginning to kick in. We'd planned to stay till April, only returning at our daughter's insistence. We wore masks prior to leaving, when shopping etc. On our BA flight to LHR, we were in the very tiny minority of people wearing them. When we arrived home, we found out why our daughter wanted us home. She was displaying symptoms of Covid, recovering quite well initially. Then wham!! She complained of losing her sense of taste and smell. She was completely exhausted, unable to walk more than a few yards had 'brain fog', breathlessness, and many more side effects. All this before the term 'Long Covid' was even mentioned. She was referred to a Respiratory Consultant, a Heart Specialist, and was called to the hospital one night at 9pm, as her blood tests were sky high. Almost 7 months later, my daughter, (46) is still unable to return to work. Prior to this nightmare, she was extremely fit, with no health concerns. She ran 3-4 times a week, 5-10km, cycled, had a personal trainer, and was a workaholic. I remain very worried about her. Those who deny Covid exists, or seek to minimalise its impact on people, are seriously deluded. And dangerous.
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Re: Masks

Post by Beechwood »

JuraHound. You’re not pissing me off
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Re: Masks

Post by Diocletian »

Jurahound, you are not pissing me off at all. I firmly believe that I had this in February whilst in Cyprus. It knocked me off my feet for about four days and then disappeared. Sadly this is well before tests were available. I have since had a pcr to return to Cyprus and that was negative, obviously.

I will not give blood to ascertain if I have ever had it simply because I cannot stand needles lol. Interestingly about 6 months prior to this event I lost my sense of taste and smell whilst I had a chest infection and was prescribed penicillin to get rid of it, which it did.
Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day.
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Re: Masks

Post by Kia Picanto »

Happy in Cyprus wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 6:02 pm It's a really weird disease, isn't it? Some, like your daughter get completely bowled over for a long period. But my daughter has three friends who all went down with it and recovered quickly, in a matter of days. But what's even more weird, given the daily mantra for social distancing and wearing a mask, is that these three friends did not pass the disease on to their husbands or kids, despite living in the same house.
Yes Lloyd, it's bizarre how some who catch it get very mild symptoms. My daughter was out with 5 friends. Within days, they all had symptoms, though extremely mild. She was unlucky. As I said, Long Covid hadn't been identified at this stage, and initially, she felt one of our GPs hadn't taken her seriously. For the first time ever (in our family), she made a formal complaint. It did the trick - she was referred to all kinds of specialists. She was also approached to speak to a group of health professionals, as they were all keen to learn more about those suffering various long-term effects. She didn't pass the virus on to her husband, yet only 4 weeks ago, he too tested positive (unlucky!). He had to self-isolate, as did she. However, he recovered completely, saying he'd had colds that were worse.

As for the 'to mask or not to mask', I see it like this - my parents, and millions of others, suffered real hardship growing up, and then had to endure 6 years of separation from loved ones, had to wear gas masks, and knew the suffering of losing loved ones. in WW2. We're being asked to wear masks in shops, enclosed places, public transport etc (in UK), and maintain social distancing, to keep us and our families safe. Not a lot to ask, is it? Yes, it's mildly inconvenient, yes it can be uncomfortable, glasses steam up, hard to breathe properly etc (I'm asthmatic, but it's only for half an hour or so) Keep safe everyone.
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Re: Masks

Post by jeba »

What I don´t understand is that people don´t wear certified masks (FFP 2 or 3) now that they are available. Why not wear one that actually offers protection to myself (as opposed to merely protecting others) if I have to wear one anyway?
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