Very Disturbing growth of Qanon in the USA

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Very Disturbing growth of Qanon in the USA

Post by Jimgward »

This is an ultra-right-wing group, almost like a cult, based on the theories of an anonymous person called Q, who believed that a Satanic Child-Molesting group was taking over the world and only Donald Trump could stop it. Members include Pence and 60 GOP candidates for November. They pledge an oath and are anti-vaxxers, anti-5G, anti-Bill Gates, as well as many other radical beliefs. Very dangerous. I’ll leave you all to google about them, but one example is a Church in Florida who held a Covid party for children - 100 attended, including a 17-year old girl with auto-immune problems, taken by her Qanon mother. The girl caught ~Covid, as was the intention, was treated by the mother at home with strange potions, then taken to hospital as she was very seriously ill. Her mother refused permission for her to be incubated and she died. The mother is proud that her daughter is with God.

A seriously screwed up cult that’s actually now got followers all over the world.
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Re: Very Disturbing growth of Qanon in the USA

Post by Dominic »

No more bat-shit crazy than some of the woke extremists you get these days.

Mad as hatters the lot of them.
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