A Walking Tour Of Vretsia - Paphos, Cyprus

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A Walking Tour Of Vretsia - Paphos, Cyprus

Post by Dominic »

Vretsia is an abandoned village at the top end of the Xeros River. If you are going on a jeep safari through Paphos Forest you will no doubt travel through here along your way to the Venetian Bridges. It is a beautiful place tinged with sadness.

Cyprus has more than it's fair share of abandoned villages. The troubles caused the displacement of both Greek and Turkish Cypriots.The environment itself has caused other villages to be abandoned for reasons of safety. this obviously caused emotional pain and suffering to the affected people. So is it right to make films and articles on them? I thought about this for a while, but decided that yes it was. Cyprus is a land built on antiquities, and these villages are just the latest example. I had no problem reporting on a Necropolis after all.

However, some of these villages, and especially Vretsia, do still get visits from the displaced families. So if you do decide to visit these places on the strength of these films and articles, please bear that in mind, and treat them with respect. Remember the urban exploring motto: "take only pictures, leave only footprints..."

Web Designer / Developer. Currently working on Paphos Life.
Living in Polemi, Cyprus with my wife and daughter.
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