New Golf Balls

Got something to sell? Post it here and see if anybody wants it. Private sellers only please, and don't flood the forum with loads of items. If you have more than one thing to sell, use one thread and put them all in that. Buyers Beware: we are not responsible for any of the items that appear here. Do not part with any cash until you have received the goods. Sellers: Don't bump your posts to keep them at the top of the page, and delete threads once you have sold the item.
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Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:58 am

New Golf Balls

Post by Woody2 »

Due to health reasons, I am selling my golf equipment;
  • Set of TaylorMade 'Burner' golf clubs-3iron to Sand wedge
  • Carry Bag
  • Stand bag
  • Pull trolley
  • 2 boxes of 12 new Titleist Nxt Tour balls
  • 1-Box of 3 new Titleist Pro V1 balls
  • 1 box of 3 new Wilson Titanium Straight Distance balls
  • Leather practice bag containing approx.40 balls
  • Practice mat
  • Footjoy shoes,UK size 8
Reasonable offers considered for any, or all items by PM, or by phone; no.97857789.
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