GESY state healthcare system - Updates

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Private pharmacies join GESY

Post by galexinda »

21 March 2019
Private pharmacies are to join the national health scheme in a welcome boost to government efforts to have the programme up and running in June. ... up-to-nhs/

Full article is posted in the general discussion area (thank you Lincoln).
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by galexinda »

24 March courtesy of Tala Blogspot:


According to the criteria set by the GHS law, EU citizens who have their ordinary residence in the areas controlled by the Cyprus Government are beneficiaries when the following conditions apply:
Work in the areas controlled by the Cyprus Government or
Have acquired the right of Permanent Residence (MEU3 permit) or
Are Family members (spouse, child) of a GHS Beneficiary
Meet the provisions of EU Regulation 883 (S1 holders)

To find out whether you are entitled to a Certificate/Card of Permanent Residence - MEU3 you must contact the Cyprus Migration Department**. Please bear in mind that the recommendation of the British High Commission is that all UK expats formalise their residency in Cyprus by applying for the MEU1, or, if they hold the MEU1, upgrade to the MEU3.

To find out if you are entitled to healthcare under the provisions of EU Regulation 883 you must contact the responsible authority in the member state where you are insured. For example, if you have been working and paying social security contributions and were insured in the UK and were entitled to receive healthcare services in the UK, you must contact the UK authority that is responsible for social security benefits. The UK will provide a form S1 in duplicate per family member.

If UK expats fulfil the criteria, and are beneficiaries, then they will be able to receive healthcare services from 1st June 2019. Please keep in mind that the GHS will be on-going and the HIO will notify the public when the GHS Beneficiary Enrollment will commence.
Τhe first phase of the GHS (starting on 1st June 2019) includes the following healthcare services:
1. Personal Doctors for Adults and Children
2. Outpatient Specialists
3. Pharmacies
4. Laboratories
The second and final phase of the GHS (starting on 1st June 2020) includes the following healthcare services:
1. Inpatient healthcare services
2. Accident and Emergency Departments, Ambulances
3. Nurses, Midwifes and Allied Health Professionals
4. Preventative Dental Care

Finally, regarding the contributions, any natural person who receives a pension or income from the Republic of Cyprus or abroad is obliged to declare it at the Tax Department through self-assessment and therefore is obliged to pay a contribution of 1,70% of their income for the 1st phase of the GHS (01/03/2019) and 2,65% for the 2nd phase (01/03/2020).

Information is still awaited as to what the reciprocal arrangements for UK expats will be - this will depend on the outcome of Brexit. Payment by UK expats for the service is still to be clarified. The advice for the time being is to register, when this this opens, with the doctor of your choice.
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by bromerzz »

I read it that having an S1 entitles you and so what's changed.
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by JimX »

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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by Discobolus »

Went to Immigration in Paphos to make an appointment to apply for the Meu3 to be told no appointment time for Brits just turn up to be given a number, place was heaving must have been 30 odd people waiting looks like an 8am job otherwise could be a 3/4 hours wait, nothing on the small slip of paper about whether they want originals or copies of the 5year evidence, will the banks provide a summary of bank accounts or do you have to provide 120 odd pages of accounts ???
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by MacManiac »

If that is indeed the case, it is absolutely outrageous. Are U.K. citizens being discriminated against even before Brexit happens?
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by galexinda »

Discobolus - have copied your comment into another thread about MEU3 appointments in the general discussion area so hopefully you will get some comments there as this section is for Medical Matters.
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Pharmacies Update - 29 March

Post by galexinda »

LAWMAKERS appeared to agree on Thursday that under the national health scheme (Gesy) hospitals will be allowed to operate in-house pharmacies, but these will be able to sell medicines to inpatients only. All outpatients with a doctor’s prescription must visit their neighbourhood pharmacy.

But under Gesy, state hospitals will no longer sell prescription drugs. All prescription meds will be sold by private pharmacies, including those prescribed by state doctors.

The new system will work like this: patients – both from the private and public sectors – will bring their prescription to their neighbourhood pharmacy. They will pay just €1 per packet as co-pay.

The transaction is entered into a computer database shared by the entire healthcare sector. The chemist transfers the €1 per packet to the government, and files a reimbursement claim with the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO) for the retail price of the drug.

If a patient wants a different drug to that prescribed, one that is not on the HIO’s list, he or she will pay the difference out of pocket. ... HTTew7mkmY
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by Varky »

Does anyone know if pensioners will be paying the levies mentioned based on their pension even if they don't achieve the level when they will be paying tax. Secondly if paying tax in the UK on a UK based pension will that be taken into account when making any payment via the Cypriot tax authorities.
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by Mrblobby »

Does this mean the big queues at paphos general will disappear as all the patients will be getting themselves registered at doctors in the private hospitals ?
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by galexinda »

Our accountant told us that 1.7% will be taken off pensions, however, low paid pensioners may have a cap on the amount they pay.

I have read elsewhere that GPs at the hospital will also have afternoon appointments, combined with people being able to see GPs at private clinics under the GESY scheme.
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by jeba »

Will GESY provide cover in other EU-countries as well? E. g. via an EHIC?
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by Mrblobby »

Some more information . From Cyprus Mail 29th March.

Personal doctors for adults will earn €83 per patient between the ages of 16 and 50; €117 for patients between 51 and 70; and €145 for patients over 70.

Revising its previous condition that stated that a patient would be included in a doctor’s fees only after their first visit, the HIO said on Friday that the amount will instead be added to the doctor’s fees the moment the doctor accepts the patient in his list through the electronic system.

To tackle the potential issue of overvisitation, the HIO said that if a patient exceeds the allowed visitation limits, they will have to pay their doctor €15 per visit, though it noted that patients with chronic illnesses, low-income pensioners, beneficiaries of the guaranteed minimum income and their children, are exempt from this additional charge. ... her-rates/
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by Mrblobby »

Thank you to galexinda for starting this thread , it is full of useful information .

Just to add what I posted on the general section .

This is the reply I received from Gesy re payments .

“ We would like to inform you that since you are an S1 holder you will not have to contribute to the General Healthcare System.
Thank you for contacting us, we remain at your disposal.

GHS Contact Centre
Health Insurance Organisation “
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by sathe »

galexinda wrote: Tue Feb 26, 2019 3:15 pm I learnt more from the visit to the GP yesterday about the new healthcare system than in the past few weeks. Cypriot neighbours are being kept informed in the media and some have also been given brochures about it, but in general they do not know how the system is going to work and say most of the articles and discussions are about the deductions from wages and pensions than the operation of the system.
Well.Thanks for your valuable reply :)
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Blue Cross Medical Centre - GESY Doctors

Post by galexinda »


Το Ιδιωτικό Νοσοκομείο Άγιος Γεώργιος & Κυανούς Σταυρός ανακοινώνει ότι οι πιο κάτω γιατροί έχουν εγγραφεί σαν Προσωπική Ιατροί (Π.Ι.) ή και Παιδίατροι

Πολυκλινική Άγιος Γεώργιος (26947000)

* Δρ. Ανδρέας Δημητρίου (Παθολόγος/καρδιολόγος) – Π.Ι για ενήλικες – G.P
* Δρ. Ηλίας Παπαδόπουλος (Παθολόγος/καρδιολόγος) – Π.Ι για ενήλικες – G.P

Ιατρικό κέντρο Κυανούς Σταυρός (26221111)

* Δρ. Χρήστος Μαραγκός (Παθολόγος) – Π.Ι για ενήλικες – G.P
* Δρ. Δώρα Καραφυλλίδου (Γενική Ιατρός ) – Π.Ι για ενήλικες – G.P


* Δρ. Μάριος Θρασυβουλίδης (Παιδίατρος) Π.Ι για παιδιά


Announcement for GP for adults & Children

St George & Blue Cross Private Hospital ltd would like to inform you that the following doctors have been enrolled as GPs for adults & Children

St George Polyclinic (26947000)

* Dr. Andreas Demetriou (Internist/cardiologist) G.P. for adults – G.P.
* Dr. Elias Papadopoulos (Internist/cardiologist) G.P. for adults – G.P.

Blue Cross Medical Centre (26221111)

* Dr. Christos Marangos (Internist) G.P. for adults – G.P.
* Dr. Dora Karafyllidou (General practitioner) G.P for adults – G.P.

* Dr. Marios Thrasyvoulides (Paediatrician) G.P for children

People are advised to make an appointment to register.
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by Mrblobby »

And another one . Evangelismos

Some of our doctors will be in the GESY Scheme for the 1st phase. We are not sure how many and who yet. Our hospital's Laboratory and Radiology Department will also be in for the 1st phase. If you are interested in more information, there will be some lectures in our hospital within the next week for all ex patriots and whoever else is interested (in English).
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Popular GPs have reached GESY quota

Post by galexinda »

News that a clearly popular doctor has already reached his 2,500-patient cap allowed under the national health scheme (Gesy) has raised concerns that patients may not be able to register with the doctor of their choice when out-patient care starts on June 1.

Patients have been able to put their names down with a Gesy-registered GP since March, ahead of the official registration in June. The popularity of some doctors suggests that patients should not waste any time about registering. ... ent-quota/
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by jeba »

jeba wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:27 am Will GESY provide cover in other EU-countries as well? E. g. via an EHIC?
Now I can answer my above question. This was the email I received:
Please be informed that Non-Cypriot citizens who fulfill the welfares of the General Healthcare System Law that make them beneficiaries, will be allowed to issue the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

In order to issue the EHIC, you will have to contact the citizen service centre, assuming that you are a beneficiary of the GHS.

This card can be used for any medical emergencies that might happen during a visit to other European member states. Please have in mind that this card cannot be used for a programmed healthcare in other member states.

Thank you for contacting us, we remain at your disposal.
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Re: GESY state healthcare system - Updates

Post by galexinda »

The private hospitals association (Pasin) on Monday announced that 14 of its members that have decided not to join the National Health Scheme (Gesy) are now part of the private medicine network.

There are: the American Medical Center, Apollonion private hospital, Aretaeio Hospital, the Evangelistria medical centre, the Apostles Peter and Paul private hospital, Ayios Rafael private hospital, Leto private hospital, Timios Stavros private hospital, Hippocrateon private hospital, Ayios Georgios obstetrics and gynaecology clinic, the Napa Olympic Private Hospital, Ygeia polyclinic, Pantheon ophthalmology centre and Ledra obstetrics and gynecology clinic. ... 7ABrXGa-Dg
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