Hearing aids

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Re: Hearing aids

Post by Devil »

Before thinking about aids, had the lugs cleared with the ultrasonic 'syringe' by a hospital doc followed two days later (to let the ear settle after the cleaning) by an audiological test. We then discussed aids and he suggested that I was on the limit for one ear but could profit from t'other. He did not recommend a specialist aid guy, so went to 'Dr George' by chance as easy to get to with nearby parking.

As it happened, I was able to discuss things sensibly with both because my training as an electronics engineer included the physiology of ears. Both guys nearly fell off their chairs when I talked about the physiology and Fletcher and Munsen curves!
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Re: Hearing aids

Post by jagwheels »

Trev if you can manage life without a hearing aid I recommend it. I was diagnosed with abnormal hearing loss in one ear several years ago so had a hearing aid fitted by the NHS. Brilliant & had to turn down the volume on my TV & car radio. First complaint from my wife was turn the sound up so assume she is also getting a bit deaf. Sadly a fact of life. Next I found that in mixed company with a lot of background noise it did not improve my ability to hear what was being said so have learnt to nod & smile when I think it is appropriate :)

I know nothing about the Fletcher and Munsen curves that Devil mentioned but he is in the right ballpark for cost & if you suffer hearing loss in both ears then hearing aids seem the only option
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Re: Hearing aids

Post by trevnhil »

The doctor I saw was of the opinion that I was not deaf.. But it is the fact that, like you mention, you sometimes miss what someone says... I will see how things go, and take on board what you say.. But nodding and smiling when you (or I) don't hear something is just making more problems.. :-(
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