Posting in the General Discussions Area

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Posting in the General Discussions Area

Post by Dominic »

Please keep to the following guidelines when posting here:

The General Discussion Area is the landing forum for this site. If new posters see no other forum, they will see this. Unregistered users may not notice other forums, so they may not realise that pictures get posted in the picture gallery, videos in the video vault etc etc.

This is a shame, as it means that lots of lovely pictures don't get looked at. Indeed I did an experiment last night, and posted two pictures; one to the general board and one to the picture gallery. The general board picture got nearly ten times the views.

So in future, if you have anything you wish to post in the following forums, please feel free to post them in the general discussions area instead. Once a week I will go through the forum and move the posts to their correct place. But this means that your post will get a bit more exposure.

Now, you may be thinking, why don't people just select "View unread posts"? Indeed, that is what I do. I don't view by forum.

However, unregistered users, of which there are many, don't have that option. Consequently they have to view by forum.

This applies to the following forums:

Image Gallery
Video Vault
Paphos Life Blog
What's On
Charity Page

This does not apply to:
Politics for Moderates

Thank You. :)
Web Designer / Developer. Currently working on Paphos Life.
Living in Polemi, Cyprus with my wife and daughter.