Freedom 24 Banking & Savings

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clive of payia
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Freedom 24 Banking & Savings

Post by clive of payia »

I just discovered the following banking/savings organisation offering reasonably good interest on savings. Too good to be true yet again? Has anybody had dealings with them and/or invested with them? Any feedback is most appreciated.
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Re: Freedom 24 Banking & Savings

Post by Adoz »

If you are going to share it you should give your opinion or experience with it... if you know, let me know.
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Re: Freedom 24 Banking & Savings

Post by glang3000 »

I recently found Chase banking very good, I had money in Halifax with no interest, moved it to Chase, the savings account and currant account run together so you can move funds daily, all deposits go into the savings account with 4.1% interest and as i need money, i transfer it to my currant account that also gives 1.2% interest.

Wish I had found them sooner.

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Re: Freedom 24 Banking & Savings

Post by Yogi »

Can you use Chase if you are resident in Cyprus ? I thought that you had to have a UK address.
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Re: Freedom 24 Banking & Savings

Post by glang3000 »

I don't know, I do have a UK address but it is only an on-line account. they have never posted anything to me, to open the account I did give them my UK address and a picture of my passport, the account was open in 3 minutes.

Les Bean
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Re: Freedom 24 Banking & Savings

Post by Les Bean »

Freedom 24 seems to be a trading account,perhaps something like Plum may be worth a look.Chase bank is for uk only
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Re: Freedom 24 Banking & Savings

Post by jeba »

Freedom 24 is a broker who made news when they managed to help investors to sell Russian shares after the war in Ukraine had started (currently not possible anymore, as far as I know). IIRC they charge € 15 for each withdrawal. Therefore, I wouldn´t want it as an every-day account.
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