Mini Budget

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Sheer Khan
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Mini Budget

Post by Sheer Khan »

Strange not a single posting that I can see on this so called mini budget, is it that people just don’t think it will effect them living in Cyprus even though the pound has dropped nearly 1000 points or their pensions are so large they don’t notice that their income has dropped nearly €100 for every £1000 they transfer from the UK.
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Re: Mini Budget

Post by trevnhil »

I have certainly noticed the drop in Pensions. But there is absolutely nothing that we can do about it.
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Re: Mini Budget

Post by Dominic »

Isn't the flip side that it will be good for exports and for stuff made in the UK from UK materials? If foreign goods get prohibitively expensive, people will be forced to buy British, thus stimulating the economy?

Perhaps that is what they are thinking.
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Sheer Khan
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Re: Mini Budget

Post by Sheer Khan »

Dominic wash your mouth out with soap and water the UK Govt. thinking whatever next, in 2018 the UK exported £642 billion and imported £680 billion goods and services, a deficit of £38 billion, its right exports should look more attractive but the imports are going to cost considerably more not doing much for the UK cost of living for the ordinary person, the Chancellor Kwasi whatever blathers on about cutting tax rates but not until next April whereas mortgage are starting to increase already more than cancelling any small benefit the basic taxpayer may get, forget about the super rich their tax advisors will fiddle their taxes anyway.
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Re: Mini Budget

Post by PhotoLady »

Much more of this and UK will be heading for a General Election....
Pound against the Dollar at an all-time low since monitoring began (apparently).

Anyone else get the feeling they're just shuffling pieces of a puzzle game around to see what happens?
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Re: Mini Budget

Post by Devil »

Yes, I know that the politicians are totally incapable – at all times – of defining policy. This is done by the civil servants behind the scenes. The politicians, Chancellor included, have only boxes to tick as to whether they approve or disapprove of a policy. The present catastrophe is no exception. Unfortunately, I believe that the current Chancellor has ticked the wrong boxes, which is why the UK is in its current mess. I am sorely afraid that he is going to have a hard time digging himself out of the hole that he has dug for himself. As much as that catastrophe that calls herself Prime Minister likes the man, I suspect he will be out of a job in the not-too-distant future.
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Re: Mini Budget

Post by Firefly »

I have to say that when it was announced that Liz Truss was running for Prime Minister, my first thought was 'who is she'?

I find her choice of Ministers very odd too.
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Re: Mini Budget

Post by tonee »

I suggest you look at the euro versus the dollar,look at the latest graph.Its not just a UK situation,as a few on here would like to think!
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Re: Mini Budget

Post by Dominic »

Yes that is a valid point.
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