In the Highlands

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In the Highlands

Post by Devil »

Mistress McTavish was just thinking about making tea for McTavish when there was a knock at the door. She opened it to find the village Domini who was also the Minister. She invited them in and sit at the bothy table and asked him whether he would like an egg to his tea. "Aye, that would be guid.", He replied. After a few minutes, tea was served in the traditional Highland manner. As the guest broke open his egg, a big bluebottle settled on it. Jock McTavish saw this took his massive crofter's hand and slammed it down on the offending insect and demolished the egg, crying, "take that you flipping abomination from hell". On hearing this, the Minister grabbed the lapels of his jacket and said to Jock, "now now, my man, there is nae need for that language; all you had to do was flick it away and the flipping abomination from hell would hae disappeared by itself!
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