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Post by RN13 »

Hallo. I am thinking of buying an IPad Air so can travel with it. Would screen be large enough to comfortably follow ZOOM lessons? (Hitherto I was using an IMac)
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Re: IPAD Air

Post by PolemIan »

Subjective or course, but in my opinion yes. But that would depend on what you’re learning to an extent.

Regardless of of what device you’re using, if you’re are taking a lesson about how to use that device for example, it could be a bit awkward trying to follow an instructional video and do what it’s telling you all at the same time on the same device. If it was a zoom lesson on ‘how to bake the perfect Victoria sponge’ it would quite literally be a piece of cake.

If you have an Apple TV box connected to your TV you could also AirPlay whatever is on your iPhone, iPad, Mac to your big screen.

We had a 27” iMac for years and now just use iPad Pros and there’s nothing that we have not been able to do on the iPads.

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Re: IPAD Air

Post by RN13 »

Thanks. I am following online Greek lessons on IMac. A larger IPad Air could be good to watch movies.
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