swimming pool steps/ladder SOLD

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swimming pool steps/ladder SOLD

Post by LouiseCastricum »


I have a 2 steps swimming pool ladder for sale for € 25,-
Last edited by LouiseCastricum on Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Louise :)
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Joined: Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:18 am

Re: swimming pool steps/ladder (2 steps for shallow end)

Post by MAE68 »

Hi I expect you sold these as it’s an old post. But if not could you let me know? A friend in Cyprus is interested. Thank you
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Re: swimming pool steps/ladder (2 steps for shallow end)

Post by LouiseCastricum »

Yes, sorry they are sold.
Louise :)
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